about ; the feeling machine ?

the strange, the endearing, who is this so-called "nephro p. dae" and wouldn't you like to know that?

i'm nephro. my name is a shortening of the scientific name for a lobster. i'm the webmaster for this site.

i'm not great at explaining myself to others, so here's a bulleted list of important things.

this website is basically a splattering of my entire soul and a lot of blood involved in the process on top of a screen and some code. with that being said, i really do hope somebody takes a little part of it with them when they visit.

you may see the little fucking freak on the left pictured on other places within the sight -- this is my self-representation, which you can call FM, and is a computer-headed goo-bodied angel-ghost-something beyond the mortal plane.

my other hobbies include biting people, driving more than two hours away to play maybe five rhythm games, and the masochistic art of cookie run: ovenbreak.

i hope you think my website is either neat, or indicitive of the possibility of a new mental disorder in the DSM-6.