Hot Dog Water Cookie

Drowning through the sands of...

Meet Hot Dog Water Cookie! A photography major, however, art doesn't seem to go far unless chosen by random chances. To make ends meet, it has become the newest hire at the Time-Balance Department, but only as a lowly secretary. Untrained, non-STEM hands cannot touch the machines, but what paperwork they do process gives them enough of a clue of everything. Eventually, however, Hot Dog Water Cookie learns of the director even existing, and is given a glimpse of a photographed portrait. Not even knowing the name, it had first love with...Timekeeper Cookie, and without knowing the depths of Timekeeper's own chaotic nature. But it's first goal is to first snap a better picture, just one, to admire forever. After all, that was it's original plans...but times had changed, after all. Hopeless career, hopeless romantic...