- This webring is not for people who kin for fun, or use kin terminology to refer to characters you relate to. Sympaths and related are ok. It does not matter how you are alterhuman, whether that is spiritual, psychological, or otherwise.
- In addition, due to the controversy surrounding the label, along other things, delusional attachments (DAs) are also not allowed.
- Your site does not have to focus on alterhumanity, or even feature it anywhere at all. You just have to be alterhuman to apply.
- Social media, carrds, rentrys, txties, and the like are not allowed.
- Sites with 18+ content are allowed, but you must clairfy this on the application so I can mark your site accordingly.
- Just because a site in the webring is included and has controversial opinions you may not agree with on their website, does not mean any other webring member or the webmaster (myself) agrees with them. It just means we're all alterhuman and applied to the ring. Keep this in mind as you browse, and use "don't like, don't look" policy.
- There is not a "no-doubles" list. If your kintype is already listed on the webring and you aren't personally uncomfortable with that, you are still allowed to join.
- I am allowed and able to decline your application for any reason.